Sunday, June 29, 2008

All in a summer

Life was filled with guns and war
And all of us got trampled on the floor
I wish we'd all been ready
Children died the days grew cold
A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold
I wish we'd all been ready

There's no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you've been left behind
- DC Talk 'I Wish We'd All Been Ready'
(aka the song that always makes me cry....)

Wow, long time no update! So what's happened in the span of posts? Well I FINISHED EXAMS and I am now a HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE! Summer has begun, and I am loving it. I worked the longest shift yet, said goodbye to Brad and Tanya and my lovely Susana, , and watched Gilmore Girls galore.

I have recently found myself writing more again (some of which was shared on my ancient blog...). Maybe I'll share some more with ya later. With more time on my hands, its very nice to sit down when I have the urge, and write. One of the greatest reliefs.

To all you in Alberta, I MISS YOU TONS! Love you all, and I continue to pray for you and wish you the best of luck. Keep on servicing our great Lord!

I shall leave you with some happy graduates. Aren't you proud? haha



1 comment:

Sarah said...

Awww, they are soo cute!